Friday, July 5, 2019

George Washington On A White Horse

Apparitions line the White House walls, portraits of presidents, 
FDR, JFK and Jefferson,George Washington on a white horse,
Reagan the first president elected after a divorce.
Trump and Clinton are there too,
one lied about an intern and a cigar,
another lied about Russian whores and a porn star.

False gods wear no shoes but walk among them, 
their faces shine, their teeth glitter with radioactive smiles.
Apparitions are gathering on the border
where once we made land in the dark on an unknown shore.
We are sleepwalking now (often forgetting our dreams).
We cannot see beyond the looming mountain outside our door.

Apparitions line the White House walls, portraits of presidents,
FDR, JFK and Jefferson, George Washington on a white horse,
Reagan the first president elected after a divorce.
Trump and Clinton are there too,
one lied about an intern and a cigar,
another lied about Russian whores and a porn star.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Border Wars On The Fourth Of July

lyrics by Will James Someone saw a ghost sitting on the shore He was one of the lucky ones, he survived He was one of the lucky ones when so many have died He was one of the lucky ones, he survived They are our mothers and fathers They are our sons and daughters So many have died Out here in the desert We hear the children cry The bombs fall; the rockets fly Out here on the border We hear the children cry Dressed in rags, they are the lucky ones, they survived They are the lucky ones when so many have died They are our sons and daughters Someone saw a ghost sitting on the shore She was one of the lucky ones, she survived She was one of the lucky ones when so many died She was one of the lucky ones, she survived