Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The Angel of Death

The aliens have landed. They’re wearing gas masks
and looking just like the military police.
Elmer Fudd has been disarmed.
Elmer Fudd will no longer have access to a gun.
A vagabond beats over and over on a plastic drum.
Here, the world revolves around a make-believe sun.

The red and blue people tell each other lies.
The Angel of death poses on a beach
dressed in black, 
holding a sickle and wearing a crown.
A solitary woman sits in a corner and cries.
All the businesses are gone in the center of town.

If I could hold on to the rain.
If I could live in a world without pain,
where no one lies and no one dies. 
George Floyd carried away in a horse drawn hearse.
If I could just hold on to the rain.
If I could.

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