Thursday, June 16, 2016

Orphans (Mars Is Far)

Mars is far but not far enough
The planet is dying and so is mankind
The dead must be left behind
The orphans wear oxygen masks
The White House is in ruins
The president is deceased 
Radioactive felons roam the earth
The Polaris submarines have all vanished at sea

Mars is far but not far enough
The planet is dying and so is mankind
The dead must be left behind
The space ships are landing
Their taking as many as they can
The women and children are boarding 
And preparing for a long flight
Mars is far but not far enough

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Mars & Jupiter Are Far

Mars and Jupiter are far but not far enough
The planet is dying and so is mankind
The dead must be left behind
We once were the children of the future
We are now the children of the past
We sailed on an ocean of regret
Until we found a land where we could forget
We see the flash of headlines in the sky
There are no more bargains left for us to buy
We hear a whistling in our heads
We are done sleeping in our beds
We hear a siren song that fills the air
If you woke us we would fall
Mars and Jupiter are far but not far enough
The planet is dying and so is mankind
The dead must be left behind