Monday, April 18, 2016

The Eye In The Sky Watches Us Close

The moon is no mistress
She rides on a white horse
I followed her home
The prince is locked up in the tower
The princess eats alone
The eye in the sky watches us close
No one confesses their sins
If everyone wins
The children are pardoned
After being fed a fatal dose
The eye in the sky watches us close
The dead are gathering in the dark
Their voices are gone
They no longer breathe
The tide is rising
The ship is off course
The moon is no mistress
She rides a white horse

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Orpheus in the Attic


The darkness is no consolation
It cannot relieve the pain
An endless parade of clowns
Will not make me laugh
I am no longer tethered to the ground
I’ve spun off into the blankness of space
Songs from home can no longer be heard
I bob and float on an invisible wave

I call out to phantoms
They talk back, their voices hoarse and weary
I eat these shards of stone 
And unwind the wire that twists round my head 
As I add and subtract all that I know and believe  
I evade the fumes of a toxic cloud
I consider all that I owe
I make a list of debts I will never repay


She only spoke when we were alone;
And like a statue on a pedestal of stone,
She held a secret and would not let go
I saw her cloaked in a purple hood,
her hands clutching a cross made of wood
I heard her whimper
I heard her sigh,
And then I heard her say goodbye

My satellites have all gone blind
All that remains is a box of names
I could sail the ocean
I could ride the waves and the foam
(Head in hand and with my eyes wide open)
I could fly a plane
But I will never find my way 
Back to her again


A TV billionaire wants to be president
He wants to make America great again
He wants to build walls and cast out 
Eleven million souls into the darkness
NASA once planted a flag on the moon
(Some say in violation of the Outer Space Treaty of 1967)
And he wants to take both the moon and the flag back
Even as ICBMs blanket the earth,

He promises to build more warheads, stealth bombers,
Drones, fighter jets and destroyers
I long for news but when it comes, I’m disappointed
I look for signs of life and try to decode
The signals in the sky  My mind balloons out
But everything seems so far away
My telescope cannot see into the past
Or predict the future  


The moon is no mistress,
She rides on a white horse
I followed her home
The prince is locked up in the tower
The princess eats alone
The eye in the sky watches us close
No one confesses their sins,
If everyone wins

The children are pardoned
After being fed a fatal dose
The eye in the sky watches us close
The dead are gathering in the dark
Their voices are gone, they no longer breathe
The tide is rising, the ship is off course
The moon is no mistress,
She rides a white horse  


Children look for paranormal activity
In this old school
They hunt for ghosts
They say there was once a murder here
They make chalk marks where the body laid
A bird flies in an opened door
It flaps its wings and flies into glass
It is trapped within these walls

They burned the corpse, the smoke rose
Into the clouds
And fell back to earth with the rain
We dance in the dark and perform rituals
Contained in an ancient book
We follow the text as best we can
We make reparations to the living
We say our prayers


The levers ceased to function, nothing would turn
The machines shut down
The wizard collapsed behind a black curtain
The elevator stopped, the movie ended
Her ruby slippers still fit when she died of a drug overdose
In a London hotel,
Triumphant and alone  
She survived five marriages

She is wandering now with the scarecrow beside her
She hears the sound of birds but cannot see them
It is too dark
She recognizes the whistle of a thrush
She hears the call of a bluebird and the cry of a dove
The are not friends, more like distant cousins
Even so, she knows them all
By name


Like a magician, he's up to his old tricks,
Another show, another fix
His heart's in a box
Bound by a thousand and one locks
His world is whirling and about to tilt
The knives are in all the way to the hilt
He'd let them go but he doesn't know how
If looks could kill, he'd be a ghost by now

From the shadows, he calls out your name
Just one shot and you're back in the game
Your heart's in a box
Bound by a thousand and one locks
Your world is whirling and about to tilt
The knives are in all the way to the hilt
You'd let them go but you don't know how
If looks could kill, you'd be a ghost by now


Together we drank fire and walked
On waves of guilt
We spoke the language of the drowned
At night, I could hear the murmur of her heart,
And feel her breath on my neck
She was so small and so pretty
Asleep, she dreamt of a prince 
And a white wedding gown

While still a child, she offered her virginity to Christ
But her father took it in a drunken stupor
And left a hole in her psyche
She would never fill
She entered the convent but never took her vows
She drank fire and walked on waves of guilt
She spoke the language of the drowned
She made the call that saved my life


I left my hat in the dark
I left my heart there, too
Out here on the edge of the world
The mountains are blue
I left my hat in the dark
I left my body there, too
The earth holds me close
I would sail across the sea

If anyone would take me
I left my hat in the dark
I left my heart there, too
I ride trains at night
Out here on the edge of the world
The mountains are blue
I left my hat in the dark
I left my body there, too


If this was the last word you ever heard
Would you give it back?
If this was the last song ever sung
Would you let it go?
Once there was a princess
Who rode on a horse made of snow
She searched for a lost dove
She searched for love

Once there was a man who wore a black mask
He had a dark past
If this was the last song ever sung
Would you let it go?
If I took off the mask
Would you take me back?
If I told you the truth
Would you let me go?


"'Now I am become Death,
the destroyer of worlds " The Bhagavad-Gita
He rode on top of a white cloud
He rode on top of a white elephant
But this wasn't the circus
And he was no clown
He was the father of black holes
when the bombs began to fall

He tried to close the coffin
that he opened but it was too late
Warheads multiplied like rumors
Nobody kept them secret
If you look high enough, you can see him
He rides on top of a white cloud
He rides on top of a white elephant
He is the father of black holes


He defaced the cones of nuclear warheads
He ignited draft cards with napalm
He burned paper instead of children
In protest to the regime of Diem, a Buddhist monk
Set himself on fire in Saigon;
And now decades later
Father Berrigan follows him on a cloud,
Out of the haze, beyond the reach of radar

As a child, I carried the news of the war dead
On my back
The draft ended when I was sixteen
I would not loose my limbs or die in Vietnam
I would not kill
Father Berrigan was looking out for me
He defaced the cones of nuclear warheads
He ignited draft cards with napalm


My memory is a closet without dimension
Or doors: a mystery, often blank, sometimes dark
A child, a stranger, waves to me
And laughs from across the room
As night begins to fall
What does she know? What does she see?
Her mother holds her hand, they walk away
Out of view but the image remains

The vapors and debris of a lost dream
Haunt me now: the barrel of a rifle,
The flash of a ballistic blast,
A pink cloud
Of blood and brain,
The presidential limousine racing towards the underpass,
Dallas, Oswald and the death of umpires
The crime that haunts the nation


Children ride on white ponies
They go up and down
Airplanes could carry them higher
But they stay close to the ground
Refugees gather on the border
The lines are long
The children freeze in the camps
They say their prayers by kerosene lamps

Out in the desert, rockets flare
They go up and they go down
The go round and round
They go up and down
Along the canal, blue lights flash
The carousel goes round and round
Where children once rode white ponies
And stayed close to the ground


Officers in blue, mourners in black
Where do we go now, is there no way back?
Helicopters hover, there’s a gunman in the clouds
All lives matter, blue or black
Dallas, JFK shot
Officers in blue, mourners in black
Where do we go now, is there no way back?
All lives matter, blue or black

There’s a chokehold on the soul
Too many dead
Too many guns, too much lead
Officers in blue, mourners in black
Where do we go now, is there no way back?
Helicopters hover,
There’s a gunman in the clouds
All lives matter, blue or black


I examine a photo of a ragged child,
Holding a ragged doll
In Arabic, her name means “White Cloud”.
She is just five years old.
She is a refugee from Aleppo.
In a filthy camp, she cries out
In thunder and rain,
In tragedy and pain

Here In another zone,
In the valley of the green mountains,
I hear the blackbirds squawk and moan.
They mimic hawks and humans.
Some say they guide the living and the dead,
out of the shadows,
Beyond the thunder and the rain,
Beyond the tragedy and the pain


Words change, killing becomes a choice
Human limbs, lungs, eyes and brains are tossed out
Extermination is possible
Auschwitz is possible  Gaza is possible
Syria is possible
Madmen make wars on the upper deck
They hide from the sun and cast no shadow
Corpses no longer feed the earth but poison it

A plague descends
All is darkness, all is one
A blackbird floats in a starless sky
Unidentified flying objects maintain radio silence
No one speaks, no one breathes
There is no chatter, there is no pulse
Words change, killing becomes a choice
Human limbs, lungs, eyes and brains are tossed out


An electric eye opens  
It watches us while we sleep
It opens doors and windows and lets the others in
We hear them, their voices 
Echoing throughout the house
We can’t quite understand what it is they are saying
A one eyed fat man reads from a book of tarot cards
And a crystal ball

He looks into the meaning of things
He sees the towers fall
He sees flashes of a burning world
The fool remains but no one is laughing
Death rides in on a white horse
The talking heads have all gone home
Satellites bounce signals into outer space
Who can hear us? Who will save us from ourselves?


Light shone all around them but they did not see it
They had eyes but they remained closed
No one analyzed their dreams
No one even knew if he they had any
Like Oedipus they walked in a world of darkness
They existed in a land of unknowing
They built war machines
In air conditioned rooms, they piloted drones

By touch and dropped bombs
On innocent women and children
Whirlwinds of dust blew all around them
Radioactive clouds darkened the sky
Ultimately, they considered themselves blessed
By their blindness
When the end came, no one cried,
No one was left to tell their story


Mars is far but not far enough
The planet is dying and so is mankind
The dead must be left behind
The orphans wear oxygen masks
The White House is in ruins
The president is deceased
Radioactive felons roam the earth
The Polaris submarines have all vanished at sea

Mars is far but not far enough
The planet is dying and so is mankind
The dead must be left behind
The space ships are landing
Their taking as many as they can
The women and children are boarding
And preparing for a long flight
Mars is far but not far enough


In the darkness, he rises like a moonlit shadow
He imagines himself a king
He tells himself this is what a man is,
This is what a man does He teaches, but not this
The pills make the woman his subject, his concubine
She offers no resistance
Words begin to form in fragments but drift away.
She forgets how to speak She cannot move

When we played I Spy, I would be him.
I assumed my dark skinned playmate
(Whose ancestors came from
Africa on slave ships)
Would take the role
But he insisted on playing Robert Culp’s part.
I would be the funny sidekick; he would be the debonair spy
Watching TV, looking at the pictures in Playboy magazine
We learned how to become dinosaurs but not men


Miss America lapses in and out of consciousness
As she floats down the catwalk
She often sleepwalks; her dreams are diminished
Her ideals have vanished 
Her kisses are no longer free
She works the seedy side of reality TV
Her pimp owns the pageant  He wears a bronze mask
His platinum blond hair shimmers under the hot TV lights

He pontificates beneath that halo
He states that he’ll kill, deport or jail all the shadows in his way
The headlines are depressing
The news of despair is everywhere
Gossip, rumors and innuendo rule
We often sleepwalk; our dreams are diminished
No one buys our kisses and nothing is free
Here on the seedy side of reality TV


I unhook the stars from my neck
And let myself go  I descend  I ride with ghosts
I roll and tumble into the unknown
I parted company with the others in Tangiers
I miss them so much
I crossed the desert in the dark
I tried to sing but it hurt too much
My throat was parched from sleeping in the sun

Back then, I would trade all the light
Of the world for water
I trudged through the dust and haze
Of a dismembered continent
I remember my brothers
I think of my sisters
I unhook the stars from my neck and let myself go  
I descend, I ride with ghosts

Saturday, April 9, 2016

The Father of Black Holes

"'Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." The Bhagavad-Gita

He rode on top of a white cloud
He rode on top of a white elephant

But this wasn't the circus
And he was no clown

He was the father of black holes
When the bombs began to fall

He tried to close the coffin 
that he opened but it was too late

Warheads multiplied like rumors.
Nobody kept them secret

If you look high enough, you can see him.
He rides on top of a white cloud.

He rides on top of a white elephant
He is the father of black holes