Saturday, December 29, 2012


The silhouette of a paper angel is projected on the wall.
The world is full of tinsel and sorrow.
We walk with wands of light in our hands, candles for the dead.

When I was six years old I heard the news that the president
had been shot, that JFK was dead
but I didn't have to face the death of my twin.

We teach our children to say their prayers
before they go to sleep 
but how can we prepare them for this?

The Westboro Baptist Church threatens to picket the funerals.
They are not followers of Christ.
They do not mourn.

The silhouette of a paper angel is projected on the wall.
The world is full of tinsel and sorrow.
We walk with wands of light in our hands, candles for the dead. 

Saturday, December 22, 2012


A woman on top of a surf green horse
floats out over Paris
and considers the margins of her world

and wants nothing more
than to fly higher
above the lavender and the gray.

Friday, December 7, 2012


Here in this house of clouds, I'm awakened by the flapping of wings.

I hear the call of birds.
I fly over mountains.

Like the shadow of an airplane that passes over open water,

I vanish with the wind.
Here in this house of clouds, I'm awakened by the flapping of wings.