Friday, December 2, 2011


It was the eighth of December.
This is what I remember.
This is what they said:
John Lennon had been shot.
John Lennon was dead.

It could have been George C Scott.
It could have been anyone.
But a psycho with a gun
had snuffed out the sun.

Yoko took to her bed.
John Lennon was dead.

It was the eighth of December
That is what they said.
This is what I remember:
John Lennon had been shot.
John Lennon was dead.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Images of Assisi & other works by Mark Balma

Mark Balma is currently creating paintings in an early renaissance technique pioneered by Leonardo da Vinci. The oil paintings are composed of many layers of hand-ground paint superimposed upon each other with small brush strokes in a secret essential oil and resin mixture. The result is an exceptional depth and richness of color that complements the soul and character of the painting. Balma also creates works in tempera, watercolor, and fresco. His mastery of drawing is expressed in etchings, stone lithography, and drawings in pencil, ink, and red chalk. His portraiture includes children, adults, family groups, and official portraits for business and government. Considered a metaphysical realist, he paints beyond the reality of the subject toward the spiritual. Born in Wichita, Kansas in 1957, Balma studied in the academy tradition at Atelier Lack in Minneapolis before moving to Italy at age 19 to continue his studies with Maestro Pietro Annigoni in Florence. He has maintained studios in Italy, London, and Minnesota. His works have been exhibited in Europe and America and are held in both private and public collections.

"Faith is taking the first step even when you cannot see the whole staircase"
Martin Luther King Jr.

Images of Assisi

These stone etchings are printed by hand in small editions, signed and numbered by the artist. Each of these images were carefully studied directly in Assisi by Mark Balma, capturing the subtle spirit of the Franciscan message. Complete set of the three stone lithographs $3,000 (only a few sets remaining)

Mark and I first became friends in junior high school (together we started a Rock & Roll band). As Mark developed as an artist, I became interested in poetry and art history. I was lucky to continue my study of art history in Rome, Italy at the age of 19.

If you would like to purchase a set of these lithographs, send me an email at and I will be happy to get you in touch directly with Mark Balma.

Thanks, Will James

Assisi Grotto
Stone Lithograph
11 x 14 inches

Ascending- St Chiara
Stone Lithograph 22 x 30 inches

Doorway San Pietro
Stone Lithograph
11 x 14 inches

Mark's latest fresco in progress: ARAB SPRING 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Christmas Jam (The Super Santa Song)

Merry Christmas, pretty baby.
How you doin'? Hope you're doin' fine.
Just thought I'd drop you a line.
I've been so blue
without you,
like walking around with just one shoe.

Merry Christmas, pretty baby.
How do you do?
Hope you're doin' fine.
Got my Santa suit on the line.
My Super Santa is going to visit you.
My Super Santa got a present for you.

Merry Christmas, pretty baby.
I've been so blue
without you
like walking around with a bad case of the flu.
Hope you're doing alright,

Merry Christmas, pretty baby.
How you doin'? Hope you're doin' fine.
Just thought I'd drop you a line.
I've been true
just to you.
Merry Christmas, pretty baby.

Friday, October 21, 2011


MARCH 2003 

Gusts of wind blow across the beach and with just one
final turn, the surf crashes against the shore.
They are crossing over now, breaking through the green waves
and white foam like flying fish glittering in the sun.
Death carries a long knife, there are shadows behind his eyes.

The Pentagon insists that once Iraq is disarmed,
the sanctions will come to an end.
But the dead will not be paroled from their prison cells
and their severed limbs will not grow back.
Death carries a long knife, there are shadows behind his eyes.


Air raid sirens sound as clouds of smoke billow over Baghdad;
and so it has begun, so that even now as flowers bloom
in pink, white and violet clusters, F/A 18 Hornets take off

from dark blue strips in the Mediterranean, their engines
emitting vapor trails that drift and then vanish into the desert sky;
and even now as women in white march in Jakarta

and protesters stand outside the Houses of Parliament in London,
a mother discovers the torso of her missing child
and blue on blue fire kills another marine.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


She didn’t like them was all she could say.
She didn’t like poetry
in general and didn’t like my poems in particular.
But why had she been so honest?
That was what I wanted to know.
I tried to tell her that I was reaching
for something unknown,
that I wanted to float up
out of my body

and out of the room and touch the heavens;
and then I remembered a moment in a café,
weeks before, so clear to me now,
when she looked away,
a crease appearing on her forehead
as she frowned,
as if I were speaking in tongues
or skywriting
with just a finger while flying in the dark.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Nuit Blanche

The portrait of a man in electric blue,
a torso actually,

hangs there on the wall;
and further down

the depiction of an electric chair
dangles in pink, red and violet pastels.

(Oh how the shadows cry,
the voices of the dead.)

And turning now we realize too late
that we have passed through

an opened door
into a forgotten room

where no one ever sleeps
and no one ever leaves.        

Thursday, September 15, 2011


I sleep with books of poetry in my bed.
There's an ocean at my door.
I hear the hum of voices in my head.

The waves at midnight are dark and blue.
I can't remember anything anymore.
I've swum out so far, I've lost sight of the shore.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The West Memphis Three (Finally Free)

The West Memphis Three (Finally Free)
*click on link above

A mother had a premonition.
A mother had the chills.
Three drowned boys
in the Robin Hood Hills.
No more games, no more toys
for the boys
from the Robin Hood Hills.

A mother had a premonition.
A mother had the chills.
One had a fractured skull, three drowned boys
in the Robin Hood Hills.

The police targeted a teen.
A false confession
placed him at the scene.
They said he wore black.
They said his life was off track.
They said his art was obscene.

No evidence, no DNA, but a jury
found him guilty
of killing the boys
in the Robin Hood Hills.

He wanted to sleep.
He wanted to go.
But he was in too deep
there on death row.

After eighteen years, he was freed.
After eighteen years, the West Memphis three
are finally free.

A mother had a premonition.
A mother had the chills.
Three drowned boys
in the Robin Hood Hills.

Friday, July 8, 2011


The flashbulbs are so much brighter here.
After all, this is the land of laugh tracks,
big screen TVs and Cadillacs,
where games shows are broadcast twenty-four hours
a day and everyone is a winner. The thousand pound man
and the five hundred pound mom, can Doctor Phil save them?

Her bodyguard said her eyes were fixed and dilated.
The coroner ruled that a combination of pills
and chloral hydrate killed her.
Rumor has it that Andy Warhol
has already commissioned her portrait.
But Einstein wants nothing to do with it.

We open ourselves up to darkness but not to love.
Our heads are getting bigger everyday
while our legs are shrinking from disuse.
Did OJ commit armed robbery in Las Vegas?
Do flying saucers really exist? Can America be saved?
Stay tuned. 

Monday, June 20, 2011


Above the heroin and the whores, the sex shops
and the Van Goghs, 

we float high atop a Ferris wheel

on brilliant waves of pink, blue and neon orange; 

and breathless 
we hover there, rising, but longing to descend.


When I open the book of my failures, 
I know that I have lived too long with my secrets, 
with words that no one else ever hears, 

and I’m left with a longing 
and a kind of emptiness seemingly as big 
and blank as the space between the stars.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Like a magician, he's up to his old tricks.
Another show, another fix.
His heart's in a box
bound by a thousand and one locks.
His world is whirling and about to tilt.
The knives are in all the way to the hilt.
He'd let them go but he doesn't know how.
If looks could kill, he'd be a ghost by now...

From the shadows, he calls out your name.
Just one shot and you're back in the game.
Your heart's in a box
bound by a thousand and one locks.
Your world is whirling and about to tilt.
The knives are in all the way to the hilt.
You'd let them go but you don't know how.
If looks could kill, you'd be a ghost by now...

Thursday, June 16, 2011

True story of an incident near Chateau de Vincennes with the daughter of a Chinese opera star

She hovered around me for hours in the rain

talking about heaven and God 

and apparitions and signs; and after that, 

she took off her wet, black stockings 

in the bathroom of a café and then reappeared

without them as if no one would ever notice.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Note on Bob Dylan's Birthday

Bob Dylan's brother, David Zimmerman, taught the children in my neighborhood how to sing! He was the music teacher at Sunny Hollow Elementary in New Hope, Minnesota. It is well known now that David Zimmerman contributed to the re-recording of Blood on the Tracks in Minneapolis (Christmas of 74).

Bob apparently spent some time with his brother at the grade school. After David Zimmerman worked with Bob on the album he decided to leave teaching. With Bob in tow, Mr Zimmerman visited all his students, all of the classes. During a question & answer session, my brother Rob (age 7) asked this unknown visitor if he knew of the poet Billy L (my middle name is James). Bob said no but that he would have to check this "poet" out. I did not know about this conversation until later (my brother, after all, was 7 & really had no idea how famous Bob was; I was 17). When I heard the story a few weeks later, I was thrilled.

At 19, I studied for a semester in Rome, Italy on the University of Dallas campus. There was a copy of Blood on the Tracks where I stayed. I listened to that album every day, over & over again. What an education: The Confessions of Saint Augustine, The Sistine Chapel, Agamemnon's tomb in Greece, the Louvre in Paris (Leonardo, Botticelli, Giotto), Sophocles & Bob Dylan.

Happy birthday Bob!

For Bob Dylan
He sang a tune or two in a one man band
then hopped a train to a distant and nameless land.
And in a boxcar he heard someone say,
'You can't take back what you never gave away'.
There are rumors of war; there are holes in the sky.
The dead line the roads but no one hears them cry.
The living are throwing stones into an empty well.
Their houses are bare; they have nothing left to sell.
I hum along to a song that I know and understand
as I trudge toward that distant and nameless land.
And in the darkness I hear someone say,
'You can't take back what you never gave away'.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Wrapped in a shroud, his eyes blotted out,
he can no longer 
read from the book of war.
His mouth opens to an ocean of darkness 
but makes no sound. 

His hands are empty. They hold no stars. 
The heavens have been effaced.
There is no way to chart a course.
There is no moon to push in the tides,
no wind to carry him home.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


On top a white stallion the Lone Ranger descends;
a masked man, debilitated and unrehearsed.

What is it that I want to say but ultimately cannot say?
I have become nothing,

a ghost deprogrammed and on parole.
I walk out into the shadows of televised snow,

televised desolation, blue trauma by a descending sky,
man of blankness, man of sighs.

Friday, May 6, 2011

He Took the Head Shot that Killed JFK

He wasn't like the other boys;
he played with ICBMs instead of tinker toys.
But no one made too much of a fuss.
No, no one made too much of a fuss.
After all, he was one of us.
After all, he was one of us.

When he peddled an unwinnable war 
amongst the Joint Chiefs and the Marine Corps,
no one made too much of a fuss.
No, no one made too much of a fuss.
After all, he was one of us.
After all, he was one of us.

When some were heard to say
that he took the head shot that killed JFK,
no one made too much of a fuss.
No, no one made too much of a fuss.
After all, he was one of us. 
After all, he was one of us. 

The painting showing the arrival of JFK at Parkland hospital, Pietà, was done by Mark Balma (an old & dear friend).

Thursday, May 5, 2011


(for Cindy Sheehan)

We are going nowhere now
in a house that has no doors or windows.

It is just a place to sleep.
There are no heroes here only mothers

and fathers calling out to children
who will never come home again.

But why try to speak of this?
It is like throwing ashes into the wind.

We are going nowhere now
in a house that has no doors or windows.

The Facebook Song

I saw your photo on facebook the other day.
I had to take a look what can I say?
By now, I thought we would be flying in cars

with nothing left to do but follow the stars.
Yes I thought of you the other day.

If I saw you what would I say?
By now, I thought we would be flying in cars

with nothing left to do but play our guitars.
I sent you a instant message the other day.

No response. I guess you were away.
Funny by now, I thought we would be flying in cars

with nothing left to do but follow the stars.
Funny, I thought we would be flying in cars

but our maps are out of date and we've lost the stars...


She only spoke when we were alone;
and like a statue on a pedestal of stone,
she held a secret and would not let go.

One night I dreamt I saw her cloaked in a purple hood,
her hands clutching a cross made of wood.
I heard her whimper. I heard her sigh,

and then I heard her say goodbye.
I could sail the ocean.
I could ride the waves and the foam

(head in hand and with my eyes wide open).
I could wander the planet. I could fly a plane.
But I will never find my way back to her again.


I watch as a man in a wheelchair 
faces the grand
and towering arch and takes a photo of his family,

a boy and a girl 
and his beautiful wife.
So grateful and so happy, 
the man begins to cry.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Black Coat & Tails

Like a magician, he's up to his old tricks,
another show, another fix.
His heart's in a box
bound by a thousand and one locks.
His world is whirling and about to tilt.
The knives are in all the way to the hilt.
He'd let them go but he doesn't know how.
If looks could kill, he'd be a ghost by now...

From the shadows, he calls out your name.
Just one shot and you're back in the game.
Your heart's in a box
bound by a thousand and one locks.
Your world is whirling and about to tilt.
The knives are in all the way to the hilt.
You'd let them go but you don't know how.
If looks could kill, you'd be a ghost by now...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

2 poems from September 11, 2001


and now, a second and improbable plane,
a blip on FAA radar, United Flight 175,

approaches and then plunges into the south tower
of the World Trade Center, igniting into orange and red flames

while bodies fall and then tumble like stunt doubles
into the empty but televised air.


An egret whirls into the wind,
and then turns and folds in upon itself and lands
beneath a cloud of water;
while in the distance,
airplanes at the edge of thunder
murmur and echo

like the thin mirrors of the ego,
glittering and lost, and I shudder
in the dark and consider
the dead (and all of their voices),
an unwavering remembrance,
a delicate descent.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Snow White performs miracles most every night.
She counts the cash, then begins to pray.
What would the Founding Fathers say?

They're holding Jesus in Guantanamo Bay.
There'll be no trial. 
The CIA has lost his file.

George Washington had wooden teeth.
He was our first Commander in Chief.
They're holding Jesus in Guantanamo Bay.

There'll be no trial. 
The CIA has lost his file.
Snow White pedals porn on channel five.

She takes the cash, before the ratings dive.
They're holding Jesus in Guantanamo Bay.
There'll be no trial. 

The CIA has lost his file.
Snow White performs miracles most every night.
She counts the cash, then she begins to sway.

They're holding Jesus in Guantanamo Bay.
There'll be no trial. 
The CIA lost the file.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


He sang a tune or two in a one man band
then hopped a train to a distant and nameless land.
He sang a tune or two in a one man band
then hopped a train to a distant and nameless land.
And in a boxcar he heard someone say,
'You can't take back what you never gave away'.

There are rumors of war; there are holes in the sky.
The dead line the roads but no one hears them cry.
There are rumors of war; there are holes in the sky.
The dead line the roads but no one hears them cry.
The living are throwing stones into an empty well.
Their houses are bare; they have nothing left to sell.
The living are throwing stones into an empty well.
Their houses are bare; they have nothing left to sell.

I hum along to a song that I know and understand
as I trudge toward that distant and nameless land.
I hum along to a song that I know and understand
as I trudge toward that distant and nameless land.
And in the darkness I hear someone say,
'You can't take back what you never gave away'.
And in the darkness I hear someone say,
'You can't take back what you never gave away'.

Monday, April 25, 2011


After a walk in the park, 
we came to a place
of monuments and statues 
and the tombstone 
of a man on a blue horse; 
and in the dark 
she took me aside and asked me 

to call her later. 
But when I did she 
pretended to be 
someone else, 
as if I ever knew 
who she was 
or what it was she wanted.


Warhol At The Factory

He walks on water, he floats across the room
On the wall, his paint by number flowers bloom
He's one part pornographer, two parts whore
(Billy Name hands out masks at the door )
Over there is a portrait of Chairman Mao
Hung next to a silkscreen of a floating cow
To the left are studies of Marilyn Monroe
And several images of Jackie O
A doctor makes his rounds
Brando and Elvis have lost a few pounds
Batman has somehow misplaced his cape
Ultra Violet accuses him of rape
They walk on water; they float across the room
On the wall, the paint by number flowers bloom

Sunday, April 24, 2011


After watching a movie 
about a woman 
in a sanitarium 
obsessed with white orchids 
and death, 
I think about the girl 
at the pool and all that she said. 

She spoke about her father 
lost in the mountains of Wyoming, 
wandering beneath 
white peaks of heavenly snow; 
and she spoke of her two sisters, 
and her mother 
and all of her love.


This is not the end of the old world,
disfigured and gray and lost in the clouds.
Rather this is something entirely different.

This is not like the world at all with its scorecard 
of wins and losses,
its long list of words and wars.

So come and float with me and breathe this cool air.
There is no need to hurry.
There is no one waiting for us anymore. 


The horses are gathering together
out there in the dark
over on the other side of the field.

Once the fog comes in, they will float up
into the clouds and drift high above us
and look down on us as we lay in our beds.

They will listen to our prayers
and look in on our dreams.
Later they will guide us back from the land of our regrets.

And in the morning, the field where they
once grazed will be empty,
and any sign of them will be gone.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

That Imaginary Boat

He stood out in the rain.
He took a drink to kill the pain
and there he would hide
from all the hurt inside

He stood out in the rain.
Took a drink to kill the pain.
There he would float
on his imaginary boat
where he could hide
from all the hurt inside.

There's a hole in his heart.
Been there from the very start.
No one would claim
that he's winning any kind of game.
Could have been my grandfather
on my mother's side.
Could have been my grandfather
on my father's side.

I don't stand out in the rain.
I don't drink to kill the pain.
I no longer float
on that imaginary boat.
I no longer hide
from the hurt inside.
Now that I have all of you
to help me make it through.
I no longer hide
from all the hurt inside.
Now that I have all of you
to help me make it through.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Free The West Memphis Three (No More Games, No More Toys)

    A mother had a premonition.
    A mother had the chills.
    Three drowned boys
    in the Robin Hood Hills.
    No more games, no more toys
    for the boys
    from the Robin Hood Hills.
    A mother had a premonition.
    A mother had the chills.
    One had a fractured skull, three drowned boys
    in the Robin Hood Hills.
    The police targeted a teen.
    A false confession
    placed him at the scene.
    They said he wore black.
    They said his life was off track.
    They said his art was obscene.
    No evidence, no DNA, but a jury
    found him guilty
    of killing the boys
    in the Robin Hood Hills.
    He wishes he could sleep.
    He wishes he could go.
    But he's in too deep
    there on Death Row.
    A mother had a premonition.
    A mother had the chills.
    Three drowned boys
    in the Robin Hood Hills.
    No more games, no more toys
    for the boys
    from the Robin Hood Hills.

*Here is the new lyric to this song:

A mother had a premonition.
A mother had the chills.
Three drowned boys
in the Robin Hood Hills.
No more games, no more toys
for the boys
from the Robin Hood Hills.

A mother had a premonition.
A mother had the chills.
One had a fractured skull, three drowned boys
in the Robin Hood Hills.

The police targeted a teen.
A false confession
placed him at the scene.
They said he wore black.
They said his life was off track.
They said his art was obscene.

No evidence, no DNA, but a jury
found him guilty
of killing the boys
in the Robin Hood Hills.

He wanted to sleep.
He wanted to go.
But he was in too deep
there on death row.

After eighteen years, 

he is finally free.
After eighteen years, 
the West Memphis three
are finally free.